I write about friendship, books, and stories that shape our cultural imagination.

A Mirror of Sainthood in The Curse of Chalion

This fantasy novel delves into the nuanced relationship between faith and works, worship and will, from the perspective of a human being who must find a way to live through paradoxes.

Imprint Magazine, 2022

A watercolour image of a group of people sitting together on a small picnic blanket.

You Can Be Our Brother

The model of family for Christian community has lost its saltiness, especially as we reckon with the real and hurtful divides of race and gender in our society. Built on a robust theology of sexuality, Beyond Awkward Side Hugs offers a renewing vision of strong, gendered relationships inside the church.

Imprint Magazine, 2021

An advertising poster for The Expanse, portraying a woman in overalls being launched into space.

Stories for Isolation from “The Expanse”

“The Expanse” shows how in the cold vacuum of space, fear and selfishness drive people to hoard life-giving commodities like air and water in bare attempts to survive. However, the show insists that we have an ethical responsibility not to retreat from each other, because survival only has meaning if it’s shared.

Imprint Magazine, 2020

A Friendship in Letters

We centre ourselves by how we choose to inhabit time. Letters form the pulse of a friendship by keeping these beats, all the more so since in a deliberate letter-writing practice, what’s written is designed to be kept.

Imprint Magazine, 2019


Images from Imprint Magazine.